Rent by the room
Bills included
No deposit
Flexible short stays
City centre location

Flatmate Matching Disclaimer

UNION flatmate matching recommendations are generated using information provided to us by you, other residents or potential residents. Recommendations are designed to help you choose a room from all the options available at UNION.
The technology works by weighting the responses given to key questions and using algorithms to promote room results with potential flatmates who share similar characteristics and preferences. The higher the Match ‘confidence score’ in the results, the closer the potential match might be on that basis. We do this to try and increase the likelihood of you finding a home you enjoy living in, with people you get on with (most of the time, we’re all human after all). You’re free to choose how much emphasis you place on the confidence score when you choose your room. Our team are always here to help you with understand how it works or picking your room. 
Moving in with people you don’t know means that the actual compatibility of flatmates can never be guaranteed. But what we do know is, finding flatmates can be a faff so we’re aiming to make that easier and hopefully more fun for people. 
Neither the information provided to us which drives flatmate matching, nor the scoring which produces the recommendations generated by flatmate matching, are verified. All recommendations are subjective and not founded on any proven evidence-base. UNION gives no guarantee in relation to the accuracy of any recommendation or the compatibility of flatmates coliving in recommended room results. Under no circumstances can UNION be held responsible for any decisions you choose to make freely because of or in spite of the recommendations it makes.